Journal of the Scriabin Society of America

Contributor - Vol. 14, No. 1, 2009
Article: "Symbolism in Alexander Scriabin's Music" (1982) by Vladimir Padwa.
Commentary and Translation from the Russian by Don Louis Wetzel. 

Contributor - Vol. 15, No. 1, 2008
Article: "Letter to Dr. Vladimir Vasilyevich Bogorodski" (1916) by Georgiy Plekhanov.
Commentary and Translation from the Russian by Don Louis Wetzel. 

Contributor - Vol. 12, No. 1, 2007
Article: "On the Occasion of Scriabin's Concert" (1902) by Prince Sergei Nikolaevich Trubetskoi.
Commentary and Translation from the Russian by Don Louis Wetzel. 

Contributor - Vol. 11, No. 1, 2006
Article: "Alexander Nikolaevich Scriabin and His Creative Work" (1909) by Nikolai Sergeyevich Zhilyayev.
Commentary and Translation from the Russian by Don Louis Wetzel. 

Contributor - Vol. 10, No. 1, 2005
Article: "Alexander Scriabin and Russian Music" (1920) by Arthur LouriƩ.
Commentary and Translation from the Russian by Don Louis Wetzel. 

Contributor - Vol. 9, No. 1, 2004
Article: "Thematisch-chronologisches Verzeichnis der Musikalischen Werken von Alexander Skrjabin" [Thematic Chronological Index of the Musical Works of Alexander Scriabin] (2002) by Daniel Bosshard.
Reviewed by Don Louis Wetzel. 

Contributor - Vol. 8, No. 1, 2003
Article: "On Scriabin" (1921) by Anatoly Lunacharsky.
Commentary and Translation from the Russian by Don Louis Wetzel. 

Contributor - Vol. 7, No. 1, 2002
Article: "The Seventh Piano Sonata of Scriabin" (1912) by Leonid Sabaneyev.
Commentary and Translation from the Russian by Don Louis Wetzel. 

Contributor - Vol. 6, No. 1, 2001
Article: "Liszt and Scriabin" (1911) by Leonid Sabaneyev.
Commentary and Translation from the Russian by Don Louis Wetzel. 

Contributor - Vol. 5, No. 1, 2000
Article: "Prometheus - A Preview" (1910) by Leonid Sabaneyev.
Commentary and Translation from the Russian by Don Louis Wetzel. 

Other Writings

"Scriabin" (1921) Monograph by Boris Asafiev.
Commentary and Translation from the Russian by Don Louis Wetzel.
(in manuscript)

"The Significance of Scriabin for Our Time" (1930)
Article by Anatoly Lunacharsky
Commentary and Translation from the Russian by Don Louis Wetzel.
(in review)

"Light-Sound in Nature and 'The Light Symphony' of Scriabin" (1917) Booklet by Konstantin Balmont.
Commentary and Translation from the Russian by Don Louis Wetzel.
(in preparation)

"A. N. Scriabin" (1953) Biography by Lev Danilevich.
Commentary and Translation from the Russian by Don Louis Wetzel.
(in preparation)